Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Live Show Videos- PLAY ALONG AT HOME!

For our live episode, we watched a lot of clips, and those clips include a lot of visual things that you might not really get just by listening. So a kindly gentleman uploaded all the clips to YouTube and posted them here, with some gentle commentary. The links to the original episodes are in the descriptions, so if you're not terrified by the clips, head on over and have a listen. They're entertaining! I promise!

Bots Masters

Giancarlo picked Bots Masters, and we still talk to him. The rest of are exceptionally kind.

The opening to this show is insane. It is noise, it's chaos, it's supposed to introduce you to the world of the show. Instead, it melts your brain. If you follow any of this, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Episode 27- SMDG Live!

Our long plugged, much anticipated live show came and went on July 12. We had a warm yet intimate (gross) audience come out and join us, and we appreciate it! We were also joined by Pete Lepage (Comic Book Club Live).

This episode's format was a tiny bit different, as rather than review a single episode of anything, we pulled some of the most insane clips from the shows we've reviewed. If you go right here, you can view the clips (at least until the corporate tyranny of rights holders takes them down because we're a really money making operation here, and those clips are pure gold, I tells ya!) You can hear the audio in the episode, but obviously a lot is visual. 

So on this episode, we talk about those clips. We learn Giancarlo might have invented a whole channel in his brain to air Bots Master, Helen Keller is to be envied when it comes to some of these shows. We review how Blondie feels about Dagwood. We had a contest to discover the joke in the live interstitials from Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wrestling. And we found an exclusive outtake from an unused moment in Masters of the Universe.

Thanks, subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher, like on Facebook, follow on Twitter @SMDGpodcast, other social media stuff and whatnots. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Episode 26- "My Little Pony Tales"

In this week’s episode of Saturday Morning Deathgrip, the gang is once again tortured by another of Giancarlo’s terrible suggestions – My Little Pony Tales.  At this point, we’re relatively certain that Giancarlo’s entire being goes against the Geneva Convention.  And, as soon as this post goes live, we will look into having him charged with some war crimes.

Fortunately, while we’re getting Giancarlo deported to The Hague, you can feast your ears on scintillating discussions regarding horse menstruation, the origins of Plessy vs. Ferguson and the (obvious) sex appeal of centaurs.  You’d be surprised how easy it was for us to string together such seemingly disparate topics (actually, if you’re an avid listener, you would not)!

Additionally, our interview segment features the illustrious Rita HAYworth and Mr. C. Biscuit, the Oprah and Sumner Redstone of the horse and pony media world.  Despite having a bevy of Cable Ace awards under their saddles, they clearly have very little understanding of how the human world interacts with horses.  And, spoiler alert: one of them has major gastrointestinal issues (hint: it’s Rita).

Thanks so much for listening!  Once again, you can stream SMDG via iTunes, Stitcher or our own lovely little website right here. And if our blog and podcast leave you salivating for more, you can follow us on Twitter @SMDGpodcast.

Finally, if you’d like to make the rest of your life seem downright amazing, feel free to watch this episode of My Little Pony Tales posted below.